Friday, November 6, 2009

TV Review - V Series Premiere

The series premiere of V kicks off a season of what could be some pretty interesting science fiction television, as long as they loosen up on hitting the viewing audience over the head with earth’s “saviors.”

Around the world everyone’s daily lives are interrupted with an earthly shaking. However, what one would assume to be seismic activity is actually the welcome committee acknowledging the presence of some alien ships docking about numerous major cities. Promising peace and an exchange of knowledge and technology, these aliens appear to be just what Earth needs. But nothing is ever what it appears, and sneaking into the first episode are clear indications that a resistance force better get in gear if man is to survive whatever the “Vs” have planned.

From the “V” in the credits, it’s obvious that no good can come of their presence on earth. I mean, could that letter look like it is drenched in any more blood? But what’s even more forceful is all the religious references pointing to the Vs forcing the idea that they are the second coming. Even from the beginning with the vibrations they cause entering Earth’s atmosphere, they dethrone Jesus from his place on high in the church building, nearly killing a man as the statue came crashing to the ground. But that’s the most obvious “we are your new saviors, worship us instead” statement. There are even other Christian references that became a little too much as the plot progresses (though it is also possible that I am reading way too much into everything, but hear me out). When teenage “I love the Vs” Tyler Evans is taking the tour of the ship, the little blonde V takes the floating apple all seductively (don’t fall for this trick Tyler! We know where it leads!), and furthering this Garden of Eden reference, the show chooses to create the aliens as being scale covered (possibly reptilian looking) with a human suit on top.

But with or without these references, if people are going to survive at all, they better remember that it’s best to not trust in just anyone, no matter how shiny the gifts they bear are. For starters, they should not be flocking to these healing centers. Sure, they might perform miracles, but while they are giving you the ability to walk again, what else are they doing to you? And while the masses need to remember to question these free gifts, Chad Dekker, AKA the human voice of the Vs, better grow a conscience quick because this boost to his career isn’t going to matter when the space ships start going all Independence Day on the globe. But I am getting ahead of myself.

As much as I complain about this “savior” drenched episode, V does look to be a really promising addition to the science fiction genre on television, with some exciting footage coming up soon based on what the preview showed.

Final Grade: B

PS – who thinks a Cylon baby is in the works? We already have some human/alien relationships going on, with others most likely to develop. Yeah I am talking to you apple V.

PPS – As much as I hope they are going to reveal a non-human-covered V, I sure hope it doesn't turn out how it did in Signs. But then again, this show isn’t building tension based on not being able to see them, though it is working on the whole “they could be any one of us” card. Same but different.

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