Monday, September 7, 2009

TV Review - Dollhouse (S1, E7)

Hey guys, sorry for the delay between the previous posted reviews of Dollhouse episodes and these, but I have been busy getting back into the swing of things at school. Plus, I have discovered the beauty that is netflix (especially the instant queue on the XBOX 360). But I am going to try to get these out ASAP. Okay, here we go:



One of the first things I wondered when this series started was who Echo was really, and with this episode I finally got what I wished for. Well, to an extent. We finally know a little bit about who Caroline was, but honestly, I have this tiny nagging that I wish she were someone else. It was just that she seemed so one dimensional with her “save the animals, save the world” mindset. Now, I have nothing against saving the animals, and I understand that this part of Caroline’s life is what is important to this story line, I jut wished she had a few more notes to play. Can’t she go tell a few more sorority girls to get some STDs or something? But I am sure that we will learn more about her down the road.

Now I know that this was a pretty serious episode for Caroline’s character and learning a lot about the Dollhouse, but a lot of that was lost on me the first time around because I was just having way too much fun with this episode full of River-like characters (now I know what you are thinking. Lauren sure thinks about River a lot. But Firefly and Serenity are at the top of my favorite lists, both of which were also created by Whedon, so you try and not make the comparison. And she is one of my favorite characters in a work of fiction, so whatever). Plus, it reminded me a lot of a similar episode of Bones where they were quarantined in the lab and started acting like they were drugged. (Or at least Booth did… the details are a little fuzzy). This enjoyment of the effects is also allowing me to move past the fact that I don’t actually quite understand the science behind why the actives aren’t being affected in quite the same way.

However, one question still remains for me. If Caroline was made into a doll because of her knowledge of the Rossum Corporation and the testing they were doing, is she still going to know this after her five years of service? Or maybe that was not the reason after all. Maybe she really did become one so she could forget. Also in this scene, DeWitt mentions “doing this dance” for 2 years (which also makes me wonder what exactly Caroline was doing for those 2 years. Maybe just running…), or something to that extent, so I have trouble believing that she would try to track Caroline down for that long because she fit the profile of someone willing to become a doll.

Final Grade: A-

PS – I am pretty sure I am missing something because Echo was aptly named Alice for this episode, but unfortunately I am not familiar enough to Alice in Wonderland to grasp the full meaning of this choice. Cuz I am seriously doubting that it was random.

PPS – Do we ever see that guy again who was inducted into the dollhouse at the end of the episode? Maybe he was put in a different house. It’s just weird that he becomes a doll (I am assuming) and then he is never seen again.

Quote of the Episode - DeWitt: "My offer is this. Your life for your life."

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